“Know your inner world and observe,
everything lives within you.”
About me...
My spiritual path began more than eleven years ago, when I discovered the words of Jiddu Krishnamurti, it was through his message that I discovered what I had been looking for for a long time, to understand that I was the sole responsible for my life and that in order to evolve I had to start by knowing my inner world, my own mental programming...
Inner exploration is the path that helps us unlock our limiting beliefs and connect with our true being and in doing so to our greatest potential.
How can I help?
Sesiones Privadas
Conocerse a uno mismo a profundidad requiere de auto observación, compromiso, voluntad, perseverancia, en ocasiones silencio y reflexión y en otras guía.
Te sirvo de espejo y de guía en tu camino de auto descubrimiento para que naveguemos juntos este proceso.
Incorpora la meditación en tu vida como herramienta esencial de auto observación.
Los beneficios de la meditación son ilimitados, desde reducir el estrés y la ansiedad, hasta el descubrimiento y conexión con tu ser superior.
Pronto te comparto meditaciones para diversas intenciones y situaciones.
Existen diversos tipos de ejercicios de respiración y cada uno para propósitos específicos.
Algunos con una intensidad que nos ayuda a atravesar la mente pensante y otros con ritmos mas calmados que nos permiten ir moviendo la energía en el cuerpo para soltar bloqueos que generan pensamientos limitantes.
Te guío de manera individual o grupal.
Próximamente te compartiremos los retiros que estamos programando, que se llevarán a cabo en línea y en persona.
Para mayor información suscríbete para mantenerte informada/o.
Self Love Program
What does it mean in the deepest sense to learn to love myself?
Self-love begins with the capacity of the human being to first learn to know himself well, his skills, strengths, qualities, dreams, even his deepest fears, weaknesses and frustrations.
To then go about the task of allowing transformation to happen within.
Self-love is taking the task of understanding your vast inner world and in the process trusting that there is a higher intelligence that accompanies you along the way.
In this course you will discover what blocks you from allowing your potential, which lies within each person, to come to the surface.