Course: The Art of Loving Myself
When a person begins to understand the true meaning of loving oneself, of valuing oneself, of trusting oneself despite what the outside world reflects, it will begin to emerge in him or her, naturally, a greater sense of belonging and responsibility for the outside world.
Below you can see the themes that will be included in each module.
How do I feel Today?

Each emotion brings with it a message, a teaching.
The purpose is not to discard or try to get rid of that emotion with distractions or things that make us feel good temporarily.
The first step is to attend to our emotions, otherwise they will come back to haunt us again and again until they are attended to.
We will shed light on the labyrinth of our beliefs, we will learn to transform ourselves, using methods such as breathing exercises, meditation, writing, and talks.
Meeting our shadows

In the third module we will talk about the shadow, how we can recognize its patterns throughout our lives, observing our reactions and fears.
Journaling as integration

En el tercer modulo hablaremos acerca de la sombra, cómo podemos ir reconociendo sus patrones a lo largo de nuestra vida , observando nuestras reacciones y miedos.

In the third module we will talk about the shadow, how we can recognize its patterns throughout our lives, observing our reactions and fears.
Changing our habits

Our beliefs

In the second module we will talk about our belief system, how it is programmed from the moment we are born and how it is programmed by inherited beliefs.

In the fourth module we will do a breathwork session and we will understand how this practice helps us go through the thinking mind to help us feel perhaps stagnant emotions that produce energy blockages.

En el tercer modulo hablaremos acerca de la sombra, cómo podemos ir reconociendo sus patrones a lo largo de nuestra vida , observando nuestras reacciones y miedos.
Meditation connection with Higher Self

En el tercer modulo hablaremos acerca de la sombra, cómo podemos ir reconociendo sus patrones a lo largo de nuestra vida , observando nuestras reacciones y miedos.
Become Scriptwriters

Take Action