Today the following phrase comes to me: You are the universal consciousness.
When we begin to incorporate meditation into our lives, with discipline and constantly, something indescribable begins to happen, we begin in some way to realize that we are not our thoughts and eventually we will understand that we are not our emotions either, we are the observer.
You've probably heard this countless times, but why then do we sometimes find it difficult to maintain the discipline of meditation?
Like any habit, consistency is required to turn that "something" into a habit. Specialists say that with 21 days we have already incorporated that "something" into our lives as a habit.
The same thing happens with meditation, at first we may feel discomfort hearing our own thoughts, or a feeling of hyperactivity. All of this serves one purpose: to observe yourself.
While some spiritual teachers say that meditation can perhaps be counterproductive for people suffering from severe trauma and that this practice can exacerbate that trauma, for a large number of people this ancient practice will serve as a mental bath and deepening to know our own mental programming.
If we incorporate this practice into our lives, on a daily basis, we can begin to notice the benefits it gives us. It will be uncomfortable at times, hearing how we truly think, but I ask you not to stop there.
Although the first step of self-knowledge is self-observation, the steps that follow will be to understand that we are much more than what we believe we are and that we are connected to a reality indescribable to the human mind. What Life Force, God, the Universe, however you would like to call this intelligent force, wants for us is, for us to wake up to reality: a reality where we see we are co creators of our existence.